The following is a list of our missing or lost classmates. We hope you will take a few minutes and help us to locate them. Please send the information to either or or phone Juanita Gant 509-790-7100 or Mary Herndon 509-543-7311
The following are the classmates who were with us when we graduated:
Diane Betteridge - (found 12-10-12)
Lee Caldwell
Jim Clifford
Dennis Kinzer
Norma Moore - (found on 12-28-11)
Lauro Rodriguez
The following are classmates who did not graduate with us but had been with us earlier:
Alfred Black
Elsie Blair
Ralph Brown
Donna Flippen
Herb Hanson
Belinda Jackson
Mary Janisch
Leah Killebrew
Bob Larson
Rocky Littlefield - (Found Jan. 9, 2015)
John Mahan - (Found Feb. 11, 2016)
Ronnie Ostby
Barbara Prescott
Mona Ramey
Delbert Shoemaker
Mike Sires
Skip Skinner
Carrie Smith
Dorothy Stephenson
Linda Thomas
Louise Tucker
Sandy Zimbelman